A DEBATE has been taking place between T&A readers since it emerged that a temporary bus station could be set up in Bradford city centre should the work needed to repair Bradford Interchange stretch into 2025.

Members of the public have been quick to give their opinions on where such a facility should be located, with the old Post Office sorting office site at Forster Square among the suggestions.

The Jacob's Well car park site, currently in use as a bus lay-over point, was also suggested by readers as a possible location.

The issue has become quite a talking point since transport bosses at West Yorkshire Combined Authority revealed they were in talks to look at potential sites to house a temporary interchange during Bradford's City of Culture year should a survey on the existing facility reveal problems that may require a long programme of repairs.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The closed Bradford Interchange makes for a sorry sightThe closed Bradford Interchange makes for a sorry sight (Image: .)

Hard1doneby said: “Gonna be interesting where new bus station gonna be built My guess could be down Foster Square.”

YubYub said: “Build a new one in Jacob's Well car park and knock the old one down and be done.”

BradfordMouse responded: “No , the old Post Office sorting office in Forster Sq would be much better and it has a railway station attached.

Bfd bloke said: “And what about us who travel from the Interchange rail station, we are used to interchanging between bus and train for services to Manchester, York and Blackpool. A moved site makes all those existing commutes far longer and less attractive.”

Eccleshillboy suggested: “Just drop the upper deck and re-build the concourse on lower car park level. No lifts or escalators to maintain in future or expensive re-surfacing of the upper deck.”

brendanpearson1972 said: “Just demolish it & build a fit for purpose bus station down at Foster Square rather than the present location which has never been ideal.”

But Bfd bloke responded: “Forster square is not ideal for things near the existing Interchange such as St George’s, the media museum, Bradford Live, or the leisure exchange courts etc. People on here seem to forget how many people use the Interchange on its current site. And the fact the Interchange has more long distance rail services from it connecting than over at Forster Square.”

Considering the proposed location of the new railway station off Wakefield Road, bingleymoor said: “I have an idea, why not put the temporary bus station at Adolphus Street after all Hinchcliffe thinks it’s a great central location.”

angry bradfordian said: "They can't even organise a temporary toilet for the railway station 2 months after it closed. I won't hold my breath that they manage to build a temporary bus station by the end of the year."