TARGETING anti-social behaviour and suspected drug dealing in Bradford city centre is one of the key issues for police covering that area. 

West Yorkshire Police publishes its priorities for different neighbourhoods - the ones for the Bradford City ward area were reviewed this month. 

The focus for police is the alleyway at the bottom of Ivegate, which, in recent years, has developed a reputation for anti-social behaviour and alleged drug dealing. 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The alleyway in questionThe alleyway in question

The problem, which is unrelated to the nearby Drum Winder pub, has seen police make numerous arrests in recent years.

In the latest update, police outline their priority as "to target anti-social behaviour and suspected drug dealing which is occurring on/ around Ivegate". 

They say officers have received several reports of youths congregating in the alleyway  - the oldest street in Bradford city centre. 

It says: "This location has seen an increase in nuisance caused by street drinkers and youths to use.

"We are working with the council to make some small changes to the street furniture that we think will reduce the issue and make the area more conducive to use by shoppers.

"We are also continuing hot spot patrols to target offenders who commit crime."

Back in 2021, a plan was proposed to block the alleyway off. In the latest update, police say this would have "significantly reduced drug dealing and we are working with the council to revisit this approach". 

They add: "There will be a day of action in the coming months and mounted section will be in attendance when able."

Police have also provided an update on action they have taken in response to concerns:

Reducing violent crime within the night-time economy of Bradford city centre

Police response: "Operation Spotlight was created for targeted patrols and remains in place following feedback from members of the community to target violent crime, drugs, and alcohol misuse during the night-time economy, particularly on weekends.

"We will do this by working in partnership with our colleagues from Bradford at Night, Humankind, Pub Watch and Street Angels with funding support kindly made available from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office. Using legislation where appropriate to reduce opportunities for offending."

•    Several Bradford Officers completed the ‘bystander’ training input to licensed venues/staff via Pubwatch providing them with the tools and confidence to intervene and keep people safe.

•    Pub watch meeting/groups remain in place which quickly identify problematic/banned individuals to prevent them from entering licensed venues within the town centre. 

•    There is also a swift banning Policy via Pubwatch for problematic individuals, usually identified within 24/48 hours and letters sent explaining that they are banned and the reason.

•    Push for exclusion orders which are legally binding and issued by the courts to prevent convicted individuals from entering certain licensed premises.

•    We have additional patrols during the month of March following #VAWG week. 

Aggressive begging across the city centre ward 

Police response: "Identified suspects to be reported for summons for offence where evidentially supported by officer's statement/CCTV/witness statement (with details of impact where possible) 

"To look to work with partner agencies to assist with Homeless Outreach Programmes to assist offenders with housing options and substance misuse. 

"Days of action to be organised in the weeks to follow."