CAMPAIGNERS have expressed their delight at the West Yorkshire Mayor’s announcement that the region’s buses will be brought under public control.

Activists at Better Buses for West Yorkshire rallied on Thursday as Tracy Brabin made the landmark decision on the future of West Yorkshire’s buses.

The move will see bus companies operate under contract to the Mayor, with routes, frequencies, and fares would be set by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, instead of by the bus companies.

Results of the public consultation showed that almost three-quarters of respondents supported public control, with a further 10 percent supporting the proposals in part.

Matthew Topham, a lead campaigner at the public service group We Own It on their Better Buses for West Yorkshire campaign, said: “Mayor Brabin’s decision effectively turns the ignition for a complete step-change for local services. Based on Manchester’s experience we’re set for more frequent buses, simpler tickets, and more buses turning up on time."