A GANG of men who combined to attack pool players at a Brighouse pub were told they were “old enough to know better” by a judge at Bradford Crown Court.

Matthew Dean, 39, Adam Dean, 53, Joshua Dean, 29, and Shaun Kilburn, 64, were each handed suspended jail terms after admitting causing affray outside The George on May 21, 2022.

A fifth man, who was also involved in the fracas and faces a charge of wounding with intent, has not been traced and remains at large. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Prosecutor Emily Hassell told the court that a couple, their daughter, and the daughter’s boyfriend were playing pool when the older man was involved in a verbal altercation with the Deans.

He was intimidated and went to leave the pool room, but he was grabbed round the neck by Matthew Dean and pushed out of the pub.

The other men followed, as did the victim’s daughter’s boyfriend.

An affray took place on the street outside in which the victim was pushed to the ground and punched. Adam Dean held the boyfriend as he was punched several times by Joshua Dean.

As pub staff intervened Kilburn knocked the boyfriend’s mobile phone from his hand. Kilburn then restrained Adam Dean, who was continuing to verbally abuse the older man.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The four men were sentenced at Bradford Crown Court The four men were sentenced at Bradford Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

The gang then walked away leaving the two victims on the street. Ten minutes later the older man’s daughter had a verbal argument with the fifth man over the assault on her father and boyfriend.

He ran towards her and kicked her, causing a glass that she was holding to break and cut her breast. The wound needed hospital attention.

The boyfriend, who was holding a beer glass, then attacked the man, which left him with cuts to his head.

The Deans then returned, attacking both men again. Kilburn also punched the older man and threatened the pub’s landlady, saying he would “burn the pub down”.

The police were called, and the gang left.

Miss Hassell said the older victim reported being “terrified” by what had happened.

The court heard that Matthew Dean had previous convictions including for affray and actual bodily harm. Adam Dean had previous convictions for actual bodily harm and grievous bodily harm. Both Joshua Dean and Shaun Kilburn had no previous convictions.

Addressing all four men His Honour Judge Colin Burn said he was satisfied that they had taken the conscious decision to inflict some violence in what he described as “a joint enterprise”.

He said: “You had all been drinking and you all seemed to be prepared to become involved in violence on the day.

“All of you, it goes without saying, are old enough to know better.

“This was sustained violence. All of you got involved in it. Any member of the public – and there were some there – will undoubtedly have been frightened by what was a violent melee.”

He sentenced each man to eight months in prison suspended for two years.

Matthew Dean, of Smithy Parade, Dewsbury, was ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid community work.

Adam Dean, of Boundary Terrace, Dewsbury, was ordered to abide by an 8pm to 7am curfew for two months, and to undertake 20 rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) days to address “thinking skills”.

Joshua Dean was ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid community work. Shaun Kilburn, of Partridge Crescent, Thornhill, Dewsbury, was ordered to undertake 20 RAR days.

The female victim’s boyfriend, Liam Elvidge, of Richard Street, Brighouse, previously pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm. Last month he was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for two years, plus 60 hours of unpaid community work.