TWO cars have been seized by police in the Bradford district as they were uninsured.

Officers from the Windhill and Wrose unit - which is part of the Shipley Neighbourhood Policing Team - carried out checks on the two vehicles in the area today and discovered they did not have valid policies of insurance.

Both cars were seized and the drivers were reported for the offences, according to West Yorkshire Police. 

A force spokesperson said: "Today officers from the Windhill and Wrose team sighted the above vehicle. 

"Checks conducted showed the driver did no have a valid policy of insurance.

"A further vehicle was stopped this morning which also did not have a valid policy of insurance.

"Both cars seized and the drivers have been reported for the offences."

It is illegal to drive a vehicle on a road without insurance.

Punishments can include a substantial fine, points on your licence and even a disqualification from driving.