A MAN who sped off when a police patrol tried to pull him over in Bradford drove on the wrong side of the road and eventually careened into a pedestrian crossing.

Junaid Aslam was said to have “an absolutely appalling record for driving offences” during sentencing at Bradford Crown Court, and that he had “complete contempt” for court proceedings.

Prosecutor Alisha Kaye said Aslam, 33, of Church Road, Manor Park, London, was seen on Sunbridge Road on July 29, 2022, in a Ford Focus which, when checked, was found to be registered in Cornwall.

When police officers attempted to pull him over, Aslam drove off at speed. His chaotic route took him on the wrong side of the road into Godwin Street and round a blind bend towards oncoming traffic forcing another car to mount the kerb to avoid a head-on collision.

Deeming the pursuit to be too dangerous, the police backed off. Aslam then drove into Little Horton Road and into Chester Street before crashing into a pelican crossing on Morley Street.

Footage from CCTV presented in court showed several figures running from the car, one of which was Aslam. He was apprehended at the scene.

The court heard that Aslam had a long list of convictions dating back to 2010, including driving whilst disqualified, drug offences, theft, and dangerous driving, which resulted in jail time in 2014.

Mitigating for Aslam, Mohammed Rafiq called for “mercy” and said he had stayed out of trouble since the crash in 2022.

He said to send him to prison would be “remissive” and added: “I urge the court to give him one final opportunity”. He sought a suspended sentence.

Mr Recorder Paul Reid told Aslam: “You were clearly going far too fast, and you lost control of the car.

“The car was almost turned over completely.

“You were chased and you were caught. You gave a false name and in interview you made no comment.

“This behaviour is so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence can possibly be justified.

“I regard [a suspended sentence] as being totally inappropriate given your complete contempt for court proceedings and for the driving laws generally.

“I do not consider that there is any proper possibility of rehabilitation.”

He jailed Aslam for 12 months and extended an existing three-year driving ban by eight months.