JACQUI Drake, who has raised more than £400,000 for equipment and home comforts at the cancer centre where she is being treated, shares the latest stage of her fundraising journey:

I am totally honoured and feel very humble to have been nominated in not one but three categories at this year’s Yorkshire Choice Awards. The categories are: Local Fundraiser of the Year, Outstanding Courage Award and Inspirational Individual.

I know what a privilege this truly is, as there are so very many worthy people who all do incredible things with their very own special personal stories to tell too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful nominations I have received, it means so much to me, the hospital, Leeds Cancer Centre and all the patients and families we help in their own time of need. Last year, with everyone’s continued support of my appeal, Jacqui’s Million, we raised a brilliant £59,878 and my appeal has now gone over £412,000, which is just tremendous.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Jacqui is spreading positivity through her appeal as well as raising funds Jacqui is spreading positivity through her appeal as well as raising funds (Image: Jacqui Drake)

My goal and legacy is to continue so that we can break through that well needed half a million soon! Check out my website jacquismillion.com to see how donations help and the good work that’s been done so far.

Jacqui’s Million isn’t just about fundraising, it has become much more than that. Peer support plays a huge part; trying to give people hope, providing support and positivity. It is sometimes easier to talk to someone in a similar position who can empathise, when it is hard to share your fears and worries with loved ones. It has become a huge part of what I do, including my radio show Cancer Journeys on BCB106.6FM where I talk to cancer patients and clinicians who share their own stories of this disease. My cancer journey started when I found a mole on my leg 30 years ago. It turned out to be a melanoma, which was removed. Seventeen years later, it returned, and I was diagnosed with stage 4 skin cancer. In 2016 I launched Jacqui’s Million to raise £1 million for Leeds Cancer Centre.

You can live a positive, fulfilled life with cancer and of course early diagnosis is vital. Being the face of Jacqui’s Million since 2016 and using my own story to help others really is such an honour, as are these three nominations. To vote for me simply go to: yorkshirechoiceawards.co.uk/votehere

It is all about the votes now. Everyone is so very deserving and of course I would be over the moon to receive another award for Jacqui’s Million but for me just being nominated is absolutely brilliant.

My Jacqui's Million appeal is all about positivity and this is my message to you:

Passion for life is the way forward.
Open your mind to new ideas.
Seize all opportunities.
Instinctively know your own mind.
Treasure every single day.
Inhale natures amazing gifts.
Venture in to the unknown.
Illuminate the dark times.
Thrive in the presence of loved ones.
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