PLANS to replace a modern shopfront in a Conservation Area with a more traditional design have been approved.

Ivegate is one of the oldest streets in Bradford, but in recent years many of the street’s period properties have been transformed by modern additions.

Late last year, a planning application to replace the modern frontage of a barber shop at 20 Ivegate with a traditional timber shopfront was submitted to Bradford Council by UK Property Management LTD.

The application said: “The works we are proposing allow the shop front to fit in with the traditional design of the conservation area in Bradford.”

The works would also replace the stepped entrance with a more level entrance.

Referring to the application, the Council’s Conservation Officer Jon Ackroyd said: “The existing aluminium shopfront and strident fascia are of no merit.

“The principle of replacement shopfront in timber is acceptable.”

Approving the application this month, planners said: “The proposal will help to improve the appearance of the shopfront and street scene and ensure the setting, character and significance of the conservation area is enhanced and not negatively affected as the changes are to sensitively alter the appearance of the modern shop front.”