BRADFORD’S new city centre park will be included in an expanded order aimed at tackling dog mess.

Norfolk Gardens, between City Hall and Hall Ings, will be expanded as part of the pedestrianisation of the road, with tree planting and new green areas.

And the new space – due to open next year, is likely to be included in a public space protection order aimed at preventing dogs causing a nuisance.

Bradford Council is aiming to extend its existing Dog Control Public Space Protection Order, which expires in Spring.

The order requires owners to pick up their dogs’ faeces, and limits the areas that dogs can be let off their leads.

A public consultation on the updated order has now started – and shows that the expanded Norfolk Gardens will be included alongside the district’s other parks, green spaces and play areas in the areas dogs will not be allowed off their leads.

It refers the new park area as the BD25 regeneration area.

Announcing the consultation into the order, Bradford Council said:

“It requires the following of anyone in charge of a dog, in any public space within the district:

Dog faeces is immediately picked up

The person with the dog has a means to pick up faeces, e.g. a dog bag

Instructions to keep a dog on a lead are followed

Dogs are not brought into areas where they are excluded, unless they are assistance dogs.

“Anyone who is found to breach these requirements could face court action and a fine of up to £1,000 or a fixed penalty notice of £100 which would be reduced to £80 if paid in seven days.

“The consultation aims to gather information about which issues concern residents and businesses the most and will help to review the PSPO and the areas it covers.

“Feedback from the consultation will be analysed and used to inform the decision about how to progress the PSPO and make sure it is fit for purpose for the years to come.”

To take part in the consultation visit

Areas where dogs are must be on a lead include bowling greens, cemeteries, sports ground, field, parks and pitches when in use for organised authorised events, footpaths around lakes and ponds and signed at entrance(s) as a ‘dog on lead area’ or words/symbols to that effect.