JEWISH people from across Yorkshire – including Bradford - have added their voices to those calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

An online statement titled ‘Yorkshire Jews Not in Our Name’ has been signed by more than 50 people.

The letter is only for those who identify as Jewish and live in Yorkshire and can be found by clicking here.

It states: “We speak out to express our opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza.

“We speak out to add our voices to the global call for an immediate ceasefire and for the safe passage of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

“We speak out to demand the release of the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas on 7th October.

“We speak out to express our profound grief that the atrocity carried out against Israelis by Hamas and others has led to an even greater atrocity by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.”

It adds: "We speak out because we believe the killing of thousands of innocent civilians (the majority women and children); the indiscriminate destruction of lives and homes; and the risk of mass starvation and disease are utterly unacceptable and an affront to Jewish values and Jewish historical experience."

The letter goes on to say: "We speak out because we firmly believe that the people of Israel/Palestine will only find peace when there is complete equality (ethnically, religiously, and nationally) for all those who call Palestine/Israel their home.

"We speak out because continuing the war will only lead to the deaths of more innocent Palestinians without achieving security for Israelis or the return of the hostages."

Robert Cohen, from Leeds, said: “Jews in Yorkshire have many opinions about what’s happened in the last few months and it’s vital that people understand we are a politically diverse community and not a unified lobby group for Israel.

“What happened on 7th October were terrible atrocities, war crimes, but what’s happened since to the Palestinian people has been far worse. It has to stop.”