A PROPOSED mass transit system for West Yorkshire will provide transport links not possible with the existing "Victorian rail network".

Routes between Bradford and Leeds and Bradford and Dewsbury will be among the first lines built on the mass transit route linking all of West Yorkshire’s major cities and towns.

Bradford councillors were given an update on the planned transport system – which will be delivered by West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) - at a recent meeting of the Regeneration and Environment Scrutiny Committee.

The network could eventually cost around £2 billion, and WYCA has so far been granted £200m in Government funding.

Members were told the system would create jobs and bring economic regeneration to areas where the stops will be based, as well as improving public transport.

Different forms of transport, from light rail to advanced buses, are being looked at.

Stacey White, head of mass transit at WYCA, said: “West Yorkshire has a Victorian rail network that lags behind the pace the region is evolving.

“We really need to improve connectivity. Current connectivity hinders our opportunities as a region. It needs to be an active alternative to private cars.

“There will be active travel routes connecting to the mass transit scheme, so people can cycle or walk for part of their journey.

“Mass transit can be a stimulus to regenerate areas that most need it, as well as celebrating what is special about these different places.

“There is a commitment to spaces in the ground starting in 2028.”

Simon Warburton, executive director of transport at WYCA, said the first routes were chosen as these were the main centres of retail, leisure, employment and housing.

Referring to the current rail link between Bradford and Leeds, he said: “The rail line aims to move people swiftly between the two city centres, while also servicing the areas in between. It isn’t really doing either of these things effectively.”

The new mass transit route would complement rail services, stopping in areas where there are no current rail links.

Councillor Taj Salam (Ind, Little Horton) said: “It is important that everything in this is people first. You can have the best infrastructure in the world, but if it doesn’t have people on it then it won’t work.

“People want affordability and reliability.”

Councillor Riaz Ahmed (Lib Dem, Bradford Moor) feared Bradford might get a “raw deal” as only a few miles of the first wave of lines would be in the district.

He added: “Some of the district is not being served well by the first phase.”

Mr Warburton said: “Every mass transit system has to start somewhere, and it has to start where you have the most confidence there will be the demand. If it is well used from the start, that will help keep fares low.”

He told members the mass transit route would link in with the new rail station planned for Bradford city centre, as well as Forster Square station.

Further consultation on the system, including potential routes and stops, will take place later this year.