Police in West Yorkshire have shared advice with families who want to speak about their children's online lives.

West Yorkshire Police urged parents and guardians to talk to their child about what they do online.

In guidance shared on the force's website, a spokesperson said parents should ask their child about what they are doing online and if they can take part.

By asking to play their favourite game and taking a genuine interest, young people will be more willing to talk about it.

If you are thinking about getting your child a new device, ask them what they are going to use it for. What are they looking forward to doing?

People are advised to explain to a child that you want them to enjoy the online world, but sometimes unsafe things can happen.

The spokesperson said: "You just want to keep them safe. Tell them why you are worried, so that they understand. Tell them that you can't control what is online and some things aren't appropriate for children to see."

The spokesperson added: "Make sure they know that if your child sees something online that upsets them, or makes them feel uncomfortable that they can always come to you. 

"Make it clear that they shouldn't be worried about getting into trouble or getting their friends into trouble.

"People online might ask your child to keep their conversation a secret. Talk about what secrets mean in your house."

You can also create a 'Family Online Agreement', which all family members sign up to, including the adults.