BRADFORD district police have taken action against 15,000 motorists for illegal or anti-social driving during a five-year-long operation, it has been revealed.

West Yorkshire Police's Operation Steerside Team, which celebrates its half a decade anniversary this month, has made more than 500 arrests, sent over 2,000 people to court, and seized 2,322 vehicles in the period.

A dedicated team was set up in January 2019 following three years of success as a campaign on the streets of the Bradford district.

It was 2016 when Operation Steerside was formed - two months after the Telegraph & Argus launched its 'Stop the Danger Drivers' campaign.

It was at this time that police acknowledged that dangerous driving was a 'cause for concern' on Bradford's roads.

The Telegraph & Argus-inspired operation had been due to last three months, but proved so successful and so popular among the public that it was extended for another three months, then extended again indefinitely.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The operation focuses on illegal drivers and their actionsThe operation focuses on illegal drivers and their actions (Image: West Yorkshire Police)The partnership team - which consists of representatives from Bradford Council, police, education, and the fire service - is committed to listening to community concerns and taking positive action to ensure the roads are safer for those in the district.

Officers regularly post pictures of the vehicles they stop on the Bradford district roads on social media.

As of today, Operation Steerside has made 520 arrests, reported 2,186 people for summons at court, and dealt with 348 untaxed vehicles.

There have been 11,635 fixed penalty tickets, traffic offence reports and vehicle defect reports issued, 1,156 Section 59 warnings given, and 151 breaches of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

To mark the fifth anniversary, a week of action will start today, Monday, January 15.

Officers will be out across the whole district, using innovative tactics and deploying additional resources with support from local authority partners.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Inspector Haigh outside the police station in EccleshillInspector Haigh outside the police station in Eccleshill (Image: Newsquest)Inspector Nick Haigh, of Bradford District Police, told the Telegraph & Argus: "Standards of driving and the inappropriate and anti-social use of motor vehicles across the district is something that is raised as a significant concern by communities on a regular basis.

"As a result, the Steerside Enforcement Team was formed five years ago and was part of our partnership response to this issue.

"To date, the Steerside Enforcement Team has seized almost 2,500 vehicles, taken action against 15,000 motorists for illegal or anti-social driving, arrested over 500 offenders, and has utilised the innovative Public Space Protection Order to tackle some of these community concerns.

"Enforcement alone will not resolve the issues and we work closely with partners for educational inputs across the district and attend public events to promote the work of Steerside.

"All of this truly shows the partnership's commitment to tackling anti-social driving, and the use of motor vehicles across the district.

"To mark this landmark anniversary, we will be undertaking a week of action, carrying out patrols seven days a week, which will see an enhancement of our response with additional resources and support from partners.

"Residents can expect to see an increase in high visibility patrols across the district with the support of both neighbourhood policing teams, road policing officers and PCSOs."

Last week the Telegraph & Argus reported on three examples of the great work Operation Steerside is currently doing on the streets of the Bradford district.

These included a disqualified driver stopped on Tong's Westgate Hill Street, a quad bike seized in Fagley, and a motorbike rider arrested in Baildon.

Councillor Abdul Jabar, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety for Bradford Council said: “Operation Steerside is a testimony to the effectiveness of agencies working together for the common good.

"Lives have been saved, serious injuries avoided and intelligence gathered which has helped other criminal investigations, thanks to this operation.

"There is of course still a lot more work to do and we must continue striving to make our roads safer and to tackle anti-social behaviour.” 

Throughout the week there will be daily updates on the operation, on Facebook and Twitter (@WYP_Steerside).

Anyone with information about dangerous driving or anti-social driving is urged to contact the Steerside Team via 101 or online. Dash cam footage can also be submitted here.