RESIDENTS are objecting to a planning application which would see them kicked out of 36 garages so they can be demolished and replaced by four houses.

The proposed plan for the demolition of 36 single garages at Ash Grove, Otley, to be replaced by four houses each with an outbuilding to the rear, parking for two cars and new vehicle access from Ash Grove, has been submitted to Leeds City Council's planning department by B Houldsworth and Sons.

It has attracted 19 objections online with a major concern shared by residents of Ash Grove and Granville Terrace being an increase in cars and traffic congestion. They have also voiced concerns about severe disruption during demolition and construction and loss of light.

The garages are currently rented out to residents for parking and storage.

Leeds City Council's highways department is also objecting to the application due to safety concerns.

A highways report says: "The proposed access and parking arrangements raise a highway safety concern due to unachievable visibility splays and inappropriate design. There will also be displacement of parking adding to the on-street parking pressure on Ash Grove. Therefore, the highways authority objects to the planning application."

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Congested parking along Ash Grove and Granville Terrace, Otley on Jan 1st 2024 Congested parking along Ash Grove and Granville Terrace, Otley on Jan 1st 2024 (Image: submitted)

The residents say: "As things currently stand the street is often congested and parking spaces are scarce. Council bin workers already struggle with collections on occasions having to get people to move cars so they can get through. Over the years a number of wing mirrors have been damaged and number 13 had their car scraped all down one side a few months ago. Recently an ambulance had to reverse all the way back up the street due to parked vehicles blocking an exit."

Residents are very concerned about emergency services access, saying a fire engine would struggle to get down the street most of the time and lorries very rarely try and often fail to get through.

They add: "With bans on pavement parking coming into force in Scotland and Wales it is only a matter of time before England follows. This will cause considerably more issues over parking if this were to happen. With the extra congestion more residents would be forced to park on the busy bus route of Burras Lane.

"Finally, as the street is close to Westgate Primary School there are also a lot of parents and children passing through twice a day during term time."

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The site of the 36 garages in Ash Grove, OtleyThe site of the 36 garages in Ash Grove, Otley (Image: submitted)

A design and access statement submitted in support of the application says the houses would "enhance the character of the area".

The report says: "It is an unattractive area detrimental to the visual amenity of local residents and the wider Conservation Area. By the very nature of the layout, the garages leave dark areas, which attract anti-social behaviour."

In adds: "The proposal meets both national and local planning policy with regards to new residential development.

"It is respectfully requested the application be approved in order to contribute to local housing need and to enhance the setting of the Otley Conservation Area."

To view or comment on the application visit Planning application ref: 23/05436/FU.

Comments can also be posted to Planning Service, Leeds City Council, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8BB. You need to include full name, address and the reference number of the application. Comments to be received by Wednesday, January 17, 2024.