SEVEN members of a Bradford-based organised crime gang who flooded Harrogate with heroin and crack cocaine have been sentenced.

The two ringleaders have been jailed for a total of 17 years.

All seven appeared at Leeds Crown Court today, December 8, and were given sentences ranging from 11 years and four months in jail to a 12-month suspended sentence.

In 2019, North Yorkshire Police’s Organised Crime Unit began an investigation into the supply of class A drugs being peddled through county lines operating between Bradford and Harrogate.

A joint operation involving the Regional Organised Crime Unit, West Yorkshire Police, the National Crime Agency and the National County Lines Coordination Centre, was launched in February 2020.

Kyle Darius Sterling, 30, of Stubden Rise, Denholme, was jailed for 11 years and four months.

He was at the head of the operation for the so-called ‘Jerry line’ and dictated the movement of large quantities of class A drugs into North Yorkshire. 

Lee Bavin, also 30, currently in prison, but previously of Manchester Road, Bradford, was jailed for five years and six months.

Bavin was second in command and was responsible for topping up the phone lines of the operation and travelling to Harrogate to oversee the smooth selling of the drugs.

Seven of the couriers who transported drugs and money between Bradford and Harrogate were children at the time of the investigation and have been treated as victims of exploitation and human trafficking.

Bavin and Stirling both pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin. They were also charged with human trafficking offences. The court agreed that these modern slavery offences would be allowed to lie on file.

Operating on behalf of Sterling and Bavin were drug users from Harrogate who sold the drugs on their behalf in return for payment in crack and heroin.

They were also charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs and were give sentences ranging from 12 months in custody to 24 months suspended sentences.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Martin Gilman Martin Gilman (Image: Contributor)

They include: Martin Gilman, 53, of Bewerley Road, Harrogate jailed for 12 months for conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He was also sentenced for a separate offence of animal cruelty unconnected to the drug supply investigation. He was given 16 months in prison for this offence, making a total of two years and four months’ imprisonment.

Kim Aylott, 37, of Belmont Road, Harrogate, was given a 12-month prison sentence suspended for 12 months. She was also given a drug rehabilitation order.

Christopher Patrick Hollowed, 57, of Swinton Court, Harrogate was given two years’ imprisonment suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

Nathan Alexis Wilsher, 38, of Fairfax Avenue, Harrogate was given two years’ imprisonment suspended for two years. He was also given an electronicly tagged curfew between 7pm and 6am.

In addition, Bradford man Haaris Khan, 24, of Grantham Road, was given an18-month sentence suspended for 18 months and required to complete 150 hours of unpaid work.

A sixth defendant failed to appear and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. 

Detective Constable Adam Heatlie, of North Yorkshire Police’s Organised Crime Unit, said: “Today’s outcome is a result of a lengthy and painstaking investigation spanning several years. We are pleased to finally see the results at court and welcome the sentences that take two key drug dealers off our streets.

“They flooded Harrogate with drugs, making money at the expense of local users, the majority of whom were vulnerable due to their socioeconomic background and mental health conditions. They have no conscience and no concern whatsoever for the people they are putting at risk of serious harm. They now have ample time to reflect on their life-choices and the damage it causes.”