THERE are just a few days left to have your say on plans for a new Park and Ride scheme for Bradford.

The Bradford Council consultation on plans for the South Bradford Park and Ride Scheme close later this month.

Held in conjunction with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, the consultation closes on December 21.

People will be asked for their feedback on:

• Manchester Road Targeted Bus Improvements: New, dedicated bus priority measures along Manchester Road, including new bus lanes in operation at peak times, and priority at key junctions.

• Active Travel Cycle Route: An improved cycling route including upgrading and adding to National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 66. The route would also link in to the City Centre Walking and Cycling Improvements Scheme and the West Bradford – Cycle Superhighway Extension.

• Park & Ride: A new Park & Ride facility on the city’s outskirts formed of a car parking area and bus terminal, on land currently used for event parking at the former Richard Dunn Centre.

A third drop-in event for local residents and businesses has been set up to find out more about the proposals, speak to the scheme designers and give feedback.

The drop-in will be held on Tuesday December 12 between 4-7pm at the Mayfield Centre, 35 Broadway Avenue, Bradford, BD5 9NP.

People can have their say via a feedback form at or by emailing, calling 0808 196 9119, or writing to Freepost BFD Highways.