PROPOSALS for a new self-storage business on a former Bradford mill site have been withdrawn.

This summer, Twenty4 Secure Storage, which operates a large self-storage site in Leeds, submitted a planning application for a similar site in Bradford, on Factory Street, off Tong Street.

The new business would be based on the site of the former Ackroyds mill.

The development would have seen numerous shipping containers installed on the site for self-storage purposes, as well as a section of land used as open storage.

But the application was withdrawn after Highways Officers at Bradford Council raised concerns about the plans.

Officers pointed out that the business would use the same access roads as the old mill, adding: “The number of vehicle movements from the mill would have been significantly lower than what the current proposal is likely to generate, and the volume of traffic on the highway network has increased significantly since the mill was last in full use.

“Therefore, Highways would consider the existing access/egress to be no longer fit for purpose.

“The existing access should be closed off permanently. A new access/egress should then be formed on Factory Street to serve the whole site.”

The site had previously been earmarked for a development of 15 industrial units.