British Muslims are looking to leave the UK because of the rising threat of Islamophobia, ministers have been warned.

Opening a debate on Islamophobia, Labour MP Naz Shah said: “Many are fearing for a future in Britain for their children, and those who can afford to do so are leaving Britain.

“Some of the brightest most intelligent minds, our best doctors, engineers, bankers, traders, those that can help rebuild Britain, to help transform our economy to support our NHS, those who love Britain and are British are looking to resettle due to fears of what will happen as things get worse.”

The Bradford West MP added: “This is why I say to the Government, Muslim communities are not asking for special treatment, they are simple seeing the Government’s own recorded statistics on attacks against Muslims rising each year, they are seeing the Government’s inaction and unwillingness to take control.

“They are seeing things on one hand becoming worse and on the other being patronised and gaslit by a Government who won’t even call Islamophobia what it is.”

The Labour MP urged ministers to adopt the all-party parliamentary group on Islamophobia’s definition of the form of racism.