Residents of Bradford are being urged to give the unique gift of blood this festive season to assist the NHS during the challenging winter months.

Bradfordians have been called upon to book and fulfil their appointments so as to convert each appointment into a valuable lifesaving donation.

The winter season always poses an uphill battle for maintaining blood stocks due to cold weather, increased illness, and busier schedules.

Blood donations are collected every day of the year except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, with opportunities available to donate on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day.

Historically, the pressure on blood stocks intensifies over the holiday period.

Statistics show that during the three weeks spanning last Christmas and New Year, hospitals required an additional 1,000 units of blood that the NHS was unable to supply.

This shortfall, however, did not impact the availability of lifesaving blood for patients.

Bradford’s permanent donor centre, situated a short 10-minute walk from Bradford Interchange, is equipped to handle the surge in donations, boasting 295 open slots over the next fortnight, and extending more availability in the following weeks.

Existing and potential donors are encouraged to solidify their appointments over the Christmas and New Year period.

Bradford’s donor centre is keen to inform participants that, should they need to cancel their appointment, they should do so as early as possible to allow another willing donor to take up the slot.

Mark Chambers, Director of Donor Experience at NHS Blood and Transplant said: "We’re encouraging all of our amazing blood donors in Bradford to please book and keep their appointments and help us save lives this Christmas."

"Demand for lifesaving blood doesn’t stop for Christmas.

"Many patients will need transfusions over the festive period as treatment for a blood condition or cancer, or due to surgery, childbirth, or an accident," Mr.

"Chambers said, while encouraging new donors, adding, "If you don’t know your blood type you will find out after donating – you might find out you have the type patients especially need."

Mr Chambers explained the profound impact of every blood donation: "It only takes an hour to give blood and each donation can help save or improve up to three lives."

Blood is persistently in demand across the NHS for treating patients with cancer, blood disorders, injuries from accidents, and for those undergoing surgery.

Single blood donations could potentially save or considerably enhance up to three lives.

Residents are invited to register and book their appointments at, on the GiveBloodNHS app or by calling 0300 123 23 23.