IT was nearly 30 years ago when Jacqui Drake found a small mole on her leg. It turned out to be a melanoma, which was removed.

Then, 17 years later, it returned, and Jacqui was diagnosed with stage 4 skin cancer. Instead of feeling defeated by terminal cancer, Jacqui threw herself into fundraising for other patients - and in 2016 she launched the Jacqui’s Million appeal to raise £1 million for Leeds Cancer Centre, where she has treatment.

Now, as the year draws to a close, Jacqui is aiming to reach £400,000 for her appeal. Her next fundraiser is a festive concert, Positively Christmas, at King’s Hall in Ilkley on December 17.

Says Jacqui: “It’s a cabaret full of festive cheer, just the thing to get everyone ready for the big day. We have 22 singers and a 10-piece band performing favourite Christmas songs. I’m hoping that donations from ticket sales will break the appeal through £400,000 - another step neared to that much-needed million.

“Everyone has been so supportive and generous since I launched Jacqui’s Million, I feel very honoured to be the face of the appeal with my own personal story of cancer.

“Jacqui’s Million is all about helping cancer patients in their time of need with comfort care that sadly our incredible NHS is unable to provide. Sometimes it’s the little things that mean so much. It’s also about providing peer support and giving people hope at such a difficult time.

The show is being staged in memory of Margaret Cawood, who sadly died at Marie Curie Hospice last New Year’s Eve. Margaret was a well loved member of our Jacqui’s Million family, she was involved in our productions and she just loved Christmas. She became know as ‘Sparkly, Jolly, Twinkly’, so in the show we are singing Sparkle, Jolly, Twinkle, Jingley from the musical Elf as a tribute to her.”

Jacqui, a former dancer who ran Debut Theatre School in Shipley, has choreographed many shows in the Bradford district. Each year she organises a packed calendar of fundraising events for her appeal, and she has also found time to produce a children’s book about staying safe in the sun.

Jacqui, 60, of Apperley Bridge, has had several operations and had a lung removed. In 2016 she almost died when she was struck down with pneumosystis. She remains remarkable positive. “I think of myself as one of the lucky ones because I am treated at the Bexley - Leeds Cancer Centre,” says Jacqui. “Through the appeal we’ve funded scalp coolers, drip stands, a lead nurse in anti-systemic cancer therapy, and refurbished the waiting room. People can see where every penny goes.”

* Positively Christmas is at King’s Hall, Ilkley, on Sunday, December 17, at 1pm and 5pm.

For tickets call (01274) 432000 or go to