The district’s cannabis farm hotspots have been put in the spotlight by new data – with Bradford South emerging as the constituency where most cannabis production crimes have taken place.

One councillor has warned of how vulnerable people are exploited and neighbours are left fearful in the face of criminality.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request, submitted by the Telegraph & Argus, revealed a total of 246 cannabis production crimes were recorded across the district between November 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023.

The data represents the number of ‘production of cannabis’ crimes during the period which happened in the Bradford district and were not subsequently cancelled.

The highest number of offences – 83 – were recorded in Bradford South.

That figure stood at 74 for Bradford East, 43 for Bradford West, 25 for Keighley, 25 for Shipley and four in the City ward. Two were filed under ‘not recorded’.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Cannabis plants found at large -scale farm uncovered in Wisbey, Bradford this year Cannabis plants found at large -scale farm uncovered in Wisbey, Bradford this year (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

It was only a couple of weeks ago that police busted a farm on Carr Bottom Avenue, Wibsey, that was in the process of being set up.

Councillor Ralph Berry (Lab, Wibsey) said: “It’s good that we are tackling them as they exploit a lot of people and we now need to find support for people who are coming out of drugs.

“There’s a lot to commend the police on what they have achieved and we appreciate them for what they are doing.”

He also highlighted the impact cannabis farm production has on communities in the area as, amid a housing crisis, properties are being torn apart by people making them uninhabitable.

He added: “It’s unfair to people because we’re seeing these houses being used for cannabis production and it damages the property and takes a while for them to become habitable again.”

Cannabis production impacts the wider community, as vulnerable people can be exploited, and neighbours have to put up with issues including the threat of damage to their property.

“Residents have told me they see people running in and out of properties and they don’t know who’s living next door,” Cllr Berry said.

“The people who are involved in this are not the kind of people you want to be having a conversation with on a dark night.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Cannabis plants found in Wibsey property this yearCannabis plants found in Wibsey property this year (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

Back in August this year, an Albanian man who crossed the English Channel in a dinghy in search of a better life was jailed after he was caught tending a cannabis farm.

Jurgen Cuni, 31, was arrested by the police at the address in Ormondroyd Avenue, Wibsey, on July 23, Bradford Crown Court heard.

He pleaded guilty to production of cannabis and was imprisoned for 19 weeks.

He told police he was watering the plants to pay off a debt to someone in Albania.

There have been countless other examples of people being jailed in Bradford after similar discoveries were made.

West Yorkshire Police said officers are cracking down on cannabis farms in the Bradford district with Programme Precision, which targets the issue of drug supply and production.

The programme also works to deter and prevent people from being involved in drug crime.

Meanwhile, rehabilitation initiatives are in place for those caught up in the cycle of drugs and addiction who want out.

Temporary Chief Inspector Paul Riley, who heads up Bradford’s neighbourhood policing teams, said: “Neighbourhood Policing teams along with colleagues in crime have worked extensively over the last year to tackle the issue of cannabis farms across the district.

“Officers work with partners to tackle the issue of drugs supply and production in Bradford which I know is a significant concern in the local community.

“Not only do we dismantle cannabis farms, arrest and convict people involved in this illegal trade, but we work with partners to prevent people from being involved in drug crime.

“We are committed to making Bradford district a safer place to live and work through targeting and disrupting those involved in the supply and production of cannabis.”

Anyone with concerns or suspicions about the supply or the production of illegal substances in their area can contact West Yorkshire Police at any time on 101.

People can also use the options on West Yorkshire Police’s website – visit it at

Information can also be reported anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers. The charity can be contacted on 0800 555 111.