BRADFORD Council drivers have been gritting roads across the district ahead of a cold snap.

Temperatures will drop to -1 degrees Celsius overnight and remain a chilly zero degrees until midday.

The Council started gritting all priority one routes across the district around 4pm on Tuesday (November 28).

A couple of drivers will stay out on patrol overnight, a spokesperson confirmed.

Gritting crews will be back out from 5am tomorrow to grit all Priority 1 routes.

Will my road be gritted?

For 2023’s gritting operation, Bradford Council’s priority one network includes 24 routes over a total distance of 712 miles - equating to 62 per cent of the highway network.  

Most of the priority one route includes main roads, classified roads - meaning A, B and C roads, heavily trafficked routes, primary bus routes such as areas with stops for multiple services, roads connecting isolated communities, and strategic residential/estate link roads.

Other priority one routes include accesses to hospitals, schools, police, fire and ambulance stations, known trouble spots where risk assessments show precautionary gritting would help the public’s safety, and roads with steep gradients, tight bends, exposed areas, and wet spots.