TWO new shops can be built on an “untidy” Girlington site after new plans were approved.

An application for two small, single storey stores on the land next to 1 Whitby Terrace was submitted to Bradford Council by Amran Ahmed earlier this Autumn.

The site, in a residential area of the city, is currently overgrown and fenced off.

The development has now been approved.

Planning officers said: “The site is currently screened off from the adjacent road and has been left in an untidy state appearing as waste land which does not aid the appearance of the area.

“The site is situated close to existing residential dwellings and roads and is therefore in a sustainable area which will provide facilities and services which will serve the local residents, further enhancing the amenities and provision within the area and providing employment.

“The proposed works will also improve the appearance of the site and subsequently the street.”

“The site is currently derelict waste land with this proposal to bring it back into a viable use and provide facilities which will serve the local residents/community.”

One condition of the application is that the shops can only open between 8am and 6pm on Monday to Friday, 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, and they cannot open on Sundays or bank holidays.