A BRADFORD man has been fined after he was caught without his travel pass and was abusive to the conductor.

Adil Khan, 19 of Vicar Lane, Bradford was traveling between Leeds and Keighley on February 14, 2023, when he was asked to produce a rail ticket.

He claimed to have a West Yorkshire travel pass but was unable to produce it.

The court record states: “He was abusive and calling the conductor names during the interaction.”

Following the incident a letter was sent to the defendant requesting an explanation. As there was no response, a Fixed Penalty letter was then sent, however, this remains unpaid.

At Doncaster Justice Centre North, a collection order was made, and Khan was fined £220, ordered to compensation of £5.80, a surcharge to fund victim services of £88 and costs of £150.

In total, he must pay £463.80 before December 14, 2023.