CALLS for a law change to ensure fireworks are quieter will be considered by Home Secretary James Cleverly.

MPs heard the current limit for commercial fireworks is 120 decibels (dB), with Judith Cummins, Labour MP for Bradford South, suggesting it should be reduced to 90dB or lower.

Mr Cleverly said it was a “thoughtful proposal” worthy of consideration.

The Commons has previously heard proposals for reform through the Misuse of Fireworks Bill, tabled in 2022 by Labour MP Sarah Owen (Luton North).

Speaking during Home Office questions, Ms Cummins said: “In my constituency of Bradford South, the anti-social and illegal use of fireworks continues to affect law-abiding citizens and our pets.

“So will the minister commit to reducing the legal decibel limit of commercial fireworks from 120 to 90 decibels or less?”

Mr Cleverly, who has been in his current role for 14 days, replied: “It’s not an issue I’ve yet had the opportunity to read into, it’s not the angle I was expecting for this question.

“It seems a thoughtful proposal, I will give it due consideration, but I can’t make a commitment at this point.”