TEAMS will be out on Bradford's streets helping rough sleepers as temperatures drop.

The UK is now in the grip of a cold snap which is expected to last into next week.

Each night when temperatures are forecast to fall below zero, Bradford Council's outreach teams will head out on to streets across the district and offer support to rough sleepers.

The Cold Weather Provision is a team effort, commissioned by the council, which offers emergency bed spaces for those living on the streets on freezing winter nights up until the end of April next year.

It is a service described by one 23-year old as "amazing". 

Jack has been homeless and sleeping rough on and off for five years in Bradford city centre.

He said: "It's hard on the streets at any time but I've had Christmases in a tent, when it's been so cold.

"When you're on the streets, you know when the temperature's dropping and you know people can die in their tents.

"The Cold Weather Provision definitely works.

"I've made use of it myself - it's amazing and it saves people's lives.

"Making sure people are warm and giving them a cooked meal means everything.

"I have been supported into accommodation now too and the team have been wonderful."

Cold weather 'can be life-threatening'

Bradford Council's portfolio holder for regeneration, transport and planning, Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, said: "Severe cold weather increases the risk to people sleeping rough.

"Snow, freezing temperatures and icy winds can be life-threatening.

"When temperatures drop below zero, our provision means that those vulnerable people can have a warm place to stay indoors.

"An offer of accommodation is available to people sleeping rough when the temperatures fall.

"And of course, we recognise that these people may have complex support needs all year round and our teams offer support and ways into accommodation all year round too.

"We won't give up on anyone no matter how difficult their situation may be."

Anyone worried about someone sleeping rough in the district can use the Street Link app or visit to help connect them with local services.

Referrals to the Cold Weather Provision can be made in person at Discovery House, on Barkerend Road, between 1pm and 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, or the Salvation Army, on Leeds Road, between 9am and 3pm on Monday to Friday. 

Referrals can also be made over the phone on 01274 309165.