POLICE seized machetes in Bradford as part of a week of action to tackle knife crime.

A total of 163 knives have been been seized from the streets and 60 arrests made in the West Yorkshire-wide crackdown. 

Officers from across West Yorkshire Police joined the force’s dedicated Operation Jemlock knife and violent crime reduction unit for November’s national Operation Sceptre.   

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Knives and hammer recovered in Buttershaw, Bradford Knives and hammer recovered in Buttershaw, Bradford (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

Fifty-six weapons sweeps were conducted across the force area.

Special knife arches were also deployed at bus stations at busy times to both reassure passengers and deter anyone tempted to carry weapons onto public transport. 

One of the biggest weapons seizures was in Bradford, where machetes and hammers were discovered in a vehicle in Beck Hill, Buttershaw, on November 15.

Officers recovered the vehicle and weapons and are continuing enquiries. 

More than fifty schools across West Yorkshire were also visited as part of a continuing drive to educate young people about the tragic consequences they could face by becoming involved in knife crime. 

Figures show that knife offences for the 2022/23 financial year were four per cent lower overall than in 2021-2022, and eight per cent down in cases involving those under 25.     

Chief Inspector James Kitchen, head of Operation Jemlock, said: “Work to combat knife crime continues 365 days of the year in West Yorkshire, but Operation Sceptre remains a key week for police forces to raise awareness of the dreadful consequences of carrying bladed weapons.  

“Reaching young people and attempting to change the culture of carrying knives is the only long term solution for us to break the cycle of knife violence, and it is the reason the force and VRP continue to invest so heavily in this area. 

“Action from parents, friends, communities and partners at all levels continues to be absolutely vital if we are to succeed at driving home one key message. Namely, that if you carry a knife, you are likely to become a victim of one.”  

“if you know someone who carries a knife, speak with them, speak to others and report it. If you are a friend it might just save their life or that of another” 

Det Ch Supt Lee Berry, director of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership, added: “One more knife off the street is potentially another life saved, and whilst this latest activity offers a window into our proactive partnership efforts, the work continues day in, day out. 

“Tackling serious violence requires a community-wide response, involving both preventative and enforcement approaches."