OPPONENTS of a controversial housing scheme given the green light by Bradford Council are calling for a Government review of the decision.

Members of the council's regulatory and appeals committee last month approved plans for 138 homes on land off Bolton Road, Silsden – despite more than 800 objections.

Now Keighley MP Robbie Moore, who supported residents in their fight against the proposals, has written to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities asking it to look at the ruling.

He says: "Silsden’s infrastructure and local services are already under immense strain. The town simply cannot cope with the barrage of new housing developments being unleashed on it.

"Ever since this planning application was first lodged, I have been staunchly against it, submitted a formal objection and raised my concerns in the Commons – and at every step Bradford Council refused to listen.

"It is also incomprehensible just how the council was able to identify this site as suitable for housebuilding, when so many brownfield sites were already available across our area."

Mark Wogden, chair of Silsden Campaign for the Countryside, says: "We are pleased our MP has requested that the Secretary of State reviews the planning application. We were in the process of requesting, through Silsden Town Council, that he should do so.

"Our campaign has worked for years to prevent this kind of development. It co-ordinated the presentations on behalf of our town council and ward councillors on the day at Bradford City Hall, when the decision was actually made, and it was heartening to see the huge number of people who turned out to support us.

"There is still work to do protecting what we hold precious and the campaign will continue making every effort to prevent further damaging development in our community.

"We are well versed in the issues around this regrettable planning decision and Mr Moore might find our detailed knowledge useful in making the case to the Government. We would welcome dialogue with him. We all want the same thing and it would be best to work together."

A spokesperson for Persimmon West Yorkshire, which is behind the scheme, says: "The development will provide both affordable and open market homes at prices local people can afford, in an area identified by Bradford Council as a sustainable location for development.

"Recommended for approval by the council, we were pleased that the application received cross-party support from councillors.

"The site is in accordance with planning policy of both the council and Silsden Neighbourhood Plan and as the council’s report stated, it will deliver a high-quality-designed development in a sustainable location."

Bradford Council was approached for a comment, but hadn't responded at the time of going to press.