A MEMORIAL fishing match is being held to raise funds for the young family of a keen fisherman who died in tragic circumstances.

Members of Yeadon Tarn Angling Club are holding the carp fishing match in memory of Liam Oxley who was a popular fisherman, seen often at the tarn with his young son and Alsatian dog.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Liam Oxley loved fishingLiam Oxley loved fishing

“He was a quiet lad but loved to talk about carp fishing - he was a good fisherman and caught some nice carp. He often called in to my shop,” says Alan Platt, who runs Eccleshill Angling Supplies. “Liam was the partner of my niece. We are all devastated.

“All the carp anglers who fish at Yeadon Tarn came together and wanted to do something to help Liam’s family.”

Liam, who was aged 26 when he died on October 28, leaves behind his girlfriend and two young children.

The memorial fishing match is also to also make people aware of men’s mental health and depression.

“It’s well known that men need to talk more. Men are known for keeping things bottled up,” says Alan. “Us males need to talk more. There is help out there all we need to do is just reach out so many lives are lost through not talking.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Members of the club are taking part in the matchMembers of the club are taking part in the match

Yeadon Tarn Angling Club’s Facebook page, which has details of the event, says: ‘There is a bigger picture here, which is about getting men to talk to someone.’

Thirty anglers will be taking part on the day and have donated their match fees to the fund.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Yeadon Tarn by David HudsonYeadon Tarn by David Hudson

Various prizes will be awarded for winning catches, with a number of companies having donated prizes to the cause: bait boat suppliers Sailvvay UK are donating four head torches, while SC Baits are donating a bait prize.

Light snacks are being donated by Eccleshill Angling Supplies.

The club is putting up a tent to serve teas, coffees and hotdogs for the public and members who wish to visit the tarn to support this cause and make a small contribution.

“We would love to see people come along to support us and help raise funds,” says Alan.

A GoFundMe page has been set up by match secretary Steve Lacey.

‘We would like to express our thanks for all who’ve donated so far,’ writes Steve. ‘And also for the prize donations towards the memorial match . Some will be given as prizes and we may raffle some others off to raise more funds for Liam’s family.’

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Members of the angling club are getting together to raise fundsMembers of the angling club are getting together to raise funds

Adds Alan: “We would like to thank Yeadon Tarn’s leaseholders Steve Chapman and his business partner James Bradburn for their help in organising the match.”

*The Liam Oxley Memorial Fishing Match will take place at Yeadon Tarn on Saturday December 2 and Sunday December, starting at 9am.

Yeadon Tarn is in the centre of Yeadon around nine miles north of Leeds City centre, off the A658 along Victoria Avenue.

If you would like to donate visit gofundme.com/f/liam-oxley-yeadon-tarn-memorial-fund
