A BRADFORD MP says she has received "threatening Islamophobic abuse" after voting for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Naz Shah, Bradford West MP, was one of three Labour MPs in the district to defy the party whip in Wednesday night's vote in the House of Commons.

Ms Shah has since left her frontbench role.

Speaking on Times Radio today, Ms Shah said she had received threats following the vote and had informed police.

Her comments come as officers investigate an attack on a Labour MP's constituency office after she abstained on the vote.

Jo Stevens' office in Cardiff was sprayed with red paint and posters were put up accusing her of having "blood on her hands".

The incident at the Cardiff Central MP's office in Albany Road took place on Thursday evening where an "emergency vigil" was also held by supporters of a ceasefire in Gaza.

Ms Shah told Times Radio she had received "threatening Islamophobic abuse" and added: "Clearly I'm concerned about all the people getting this vile abuse.

"I'm concerned for my staff. I'm concerned for every MP… right now who is getting the emails, the telephone messages, the abuse on telephone messages.

"All the people who are having to stay indoors because there are threats flying around and police are having to drive around their homes.

"It is worrying, it is frightening. And it is not a nice place for any MP, anybody who is on the receiving end of the abuse."

Instead of a ceasefire, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has backed pauses in the conflict to deliver aid.

After she voted for an immediate ceasefire, Ms Shah said: "For the people of Palestine, every minute, every hour, every day we wait is another orphan, another grieving mother and another family wiped out.

"We must act now to protect civilian life."

In a statement, Sir Keir said Israel had suffered "its worst terrorist attack in a single day" at the hands of Hamas on October 7.

He added: "No Government would allow the capability and intent to repeat such an attack to go unchallenged.

"Since then, we have also seen an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

"At every stage during this crisis, my approach has been driven by the need to respond to both these tragedies.

"I regret that some colleagues felt unable to support the position. But I wanted to be clear about where I stood, and where I will stand."