THE owner of a shop unit on one of Bradford’s oldest streets has applied to convert its modern frontage to a more traditional one.

20 Ivegate sits in the middle of a Conservation Area, and is currently home to a barber shop after years of being an estate agent.

But despite the street’s historic significance, the traditional frontage has been replaced with a glass and aluminium shopfront.

Now London-based UK Property Management Experts Limited has submitted a planning application to replace the modern shopfront with one more fitting to the street.

The application says: “The proposal is to replace the incongruous aluminium shopfront with a more traditional timber shopfront, moving the access door to create a level landing into the shop and extending the internal staircase to the front with a new entrance door giving separate access to the upper floors.

“The works we are proposing allow the shop front to fit in with the traditional design of the conservation area in Bradford.”

A decision on the application is expected in February.