THREE Bradford Labour MPs - including a frontbencher who now faces being sacked - voted for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

Bradford West MP Naz Shah, the shadow minister for crime reduction, broke ranks with her party leader Sir Keir Starmer and voted for a Scottish National Party (SNP) amendment to the King's Speech, backing a ceasefire.

Bradford East MP Imran Hussain and Bradford South MP Judith Cummins also voted for an immediate ceasefire.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: A photo of Judith Cummins MP previously taken during her role as speaker of the House of CommonsA photo of Judith Cummins MP previously taken during her role as speaker of the House of Commons

MPs voted 293 to 125, majority 168, to reject the SNP's amendment calling for "all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire" in Gaza.

Labour MPs were ordered to abstain on the SNP move and were instead told to back Sir Keir's position calling for longer "humanitarian pauses" rather than a ceasefire.

Labour said earlier that frontbenchers faced the sack if they supported the SNP's amendment.

Four shadow ministers - including Jess Phillips, Yasmin Qureshi, Afzal Khan and Paula Barker - quit tonight after deciding to support the SNP's amendment.

Other frontbenchers - Ms Shah, Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Owen and Andy Slaughter - also face being sacked after breaking the party whip to back the amendment.

Ms Shah told the Commons earlier: "I will be supporting the amendment which seeks an immediate ceasefire."

She added: "Make no mistake, this is a humanitarian catastrophe which is why I urge members to back an immediate ceasefire on all sides and push for the release of hostages."

Mr Hussain said: "With over 11,000 Palestinian civilians and 1,200 Israelis who have been killed since October 7, and tens of thousands more wounded, it is clear to me, clear to the United Nations and clear to every single aid agency operating on the ground in Gaza that a humanitarian pause just doesn’t do enough and doesn't go far enough."

He added: "The innocent men, women and children of Gaza who are trapped in the never-ending nightmare of conflict which they did not start, and which they have no power to end, do not need a pause, they need it to stop."

In a statement, Sir Keir said Israel had suffered "its worst terrorist attack in a single day" at the hands of Hamas on October 7.

He added: "No Government would allow the capability and intent to repeat such an attack to go unchallenged.

"Since then, we have also seen an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

"At every stage during this crisis, my approach has been driven by the need to respond to both these tragedies.

"I regret that some colleagues felt unable to support the position tonight. But I wanted to be clear about where I stood, and where I will stand."

The MPs who voted for Gaza ceasefire amendment

This is the full list of MPs who voted for the SNP Gaza ceasefire amendment. Bradford's Labour MPs can be found in bold text.

Diane Abbott (independent)

Tahir Ali (Labour)

Rosena Allin-Khan (Labour)

Hannah Bardell (SNP)

Paula Baker (Labour)

Apsana Begum (Labour)

Clive Betts (Labour) 

Mhairi Black (SNP)

Paul Blomfield (Labour)

Steven Bonnar (SNP)

Deidre Brock (SNP)

Alan Brown (SNP)

Karen Buck (Labour)

Richard Burgon (Labour)

Dawn Butler (Labour)

Ian Byrne (Labour) 

Liam Byrne (Labour) 

Amy Callaghan (SNP)

Dan Carden (Labour) 

Alistair Carmichael (Lib Dem)

Wendy Chamberlain (Lib Dem)

Sarah Champion (Labour) 

Douglas Chapman (SNP)

Joanna Cherry (SNP)

Daisy Cooper (Lib Dem)

Jeremy Corbyn (independent)

Ronnie Cowan (SNP)

Angela Crawley (SNP)

Stella Creasy (Labour) 

Jon Cruddas (Labour) 

Judith Cummins (Labour) 

Ed Davey (Lib Dem)

Martyn Day (SNP)

Marsha De Cordova (Labour) 

Martin Docherty-Hughes (SNP)

Allan Dorans (SNP)

Peter Dowd (Labour) 

Sarah Dyke (Lib Dem)

Colum Eastwood (Social Democrat & Labour Party)

Jonathan Edwards (independent)

Jude Elliott (Labour) 

Tim Farron (Lib Dem)

Stephen Farry (Alliance)

Marion Fellows (SNP)

Stephen Flynn (SNP)

Richard Foord (Lib Dem)

Mary Kelly Foy (Labour) 

Barry Gardiner (Labour) 

Patricia Gibson (SNP)

Patrick Grady (SNP)

Peter Grant (SNP)

Sarah Green (Lib Dem)

Margaret Greenwood (Labour) 

Fabian Hamilton (Labour) 

Claire Hanna (Social Democratic & Labour Party)

Neale Hanvey (Alba)

Drew Hendry (SNP)

Wera Hobhouse (Lib Dem)

Kate Hollern (Labour) 

Rachel Hopkins (Labour) 

Stewart Hosie (SNP)

Rupa Huq (Labour) 

Imran Hussain (Labour) 

Christine Jardine (Lib Dem)

Afzal Khan (Labour) 

Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru)

Ian Lavery (Labour) 

Chris Law (SNP)

Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour) 

Clive Lewis (Labour)

David Linden (SNP)

Rebecca Long Bailey (Labour) 

Caroline Lucas (Green)

Kenny MacAskill (Alba)

Angus Brendan MacNeil (independent)

Khalid Mahmood (Labour) 

Rachel Maskell (Labour) 

Andy McDonald (independent)

Stewart Malcolm McDonald (SNP)

Stuart C McDonald (SNP)

John McDonnell (Labour) 

Conor McGinn (independent)

Anne McLaughlin (SNP)

John McNally (SNP)

Ian Mearns (Labour)

Carol Monaghan (SNP)

Layla Moran (Lib Dem)

Helen Morgan (Lib Dem)

Grahame Morris (Labour) 

John Nicolson (SNP)

Brendan O'Hara (SNP)

Sarah Olney (Lib Dem)

Kate Osamor (Labour)

Kate Osborne (Labour) 

Sarah Owen (Labour) 

Jess Phillips (Labour) 

Anum Qaisar (SNP)

Yasmin Qureshi (Labour) 

Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour) 

Lloyd Russell-Moyle (Labour) 

Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru)

Naz Shah (Labour) 

Andy Slaughter (Labour) 

Alyn Smith (SNP)

Cat Smith (Labour) 

Alex Sobel (Labour) 

Chris Stephens (SNP)

Jamie Stone (Lib Dem)

Zarah Sultana (Labour) 

Sam Tarry (Labour) 

Alison Thewliss (SNP)

Owen Thompson (SNP)

Richard Thomson (SNP)

Stephen Timms (Labour) 

Jon Trickett (Labour) 

Valerie Vaz (Labour) 

Claudia Webbe (independent)

Philippa Whitford (SNP)

Nadia Whittome (Labour) 

Hywel Williams (Plaid Cymru)

Munira Wilson (Lib Dem)

Beth Wilson (Labour) 

Pete Wishart (SNP)

Mohammad Yasin (Labour)