A MAN from West Yorkshire has been jailed for 10 and a half years after he was found guilty at Bradford Crown Court of multiple sexual offences against nine children.

Alex Honour, 25 of Lentilfield Street, Ovenden, Calderdale, was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court on Friday, November 10, for offences including rape of a child, sexual activity with a child and inciting a child into sexual activity.

The offences involved nine victims, who were all under 18 at the time of offending.

He was arrested in October 2020 and later charged with a total of 35 offences in April 2022. Honour, who admitted to a number of offences, was also found guilty of further offences by a jury at Bradford Crown Court following a 13-day trial in August. He was convicted of 29 offences in total.

Appearing for sentence on Friday, he was jailed for 10 and a half years and given a four-year extended licence period. He was also given an indefinite restraining order not to contact the victims and a further Sexual Harm Prevention Order was imposed.

Investigating officer, DC Jason Raine of Calderdale District Police said the victims "were put through the daunting experience of a criminal trial and have showed so much courage and dignity throughout."