NEW data has revealed a dozen e-scooters have been seized by West Yorkshire Police this year.

A Freedom of Information request showed that between January 1, 2023, and September 30, 2023, 12 e-scooters had been seized in West Yorkshire.

In 2022, 18 e-scooters were seized, in 2021 20 were seized, in 2020 seven were seized and only one was seized in 2019.

Using an e-scooter on roads and public places in the UK is illegal and e-scooters could be seized and the rider prosecuted.

West Yorkshire Police's website states: “We encourage enforcement across the force, but whilst the use of e-scooters is illegal it still remains the officer’s discretion as to what form of action should be taken with the expectation that the e-scooter to be seized and removed from the road/public place.”