A FORMER pub car park cannot be used to store vehicles, planners have decided.

Bradford Council has refused a retrospective planning application to change the use of the car park behind the old Haigy’s on Lumb Lane – now a shop, to long term vehicle storage.

The application, submitted by M Tazim, follows a court case earlier this year where Magistrates fined Tazim for breaching an enforcement notice ordering him to remove cars from the site.

Since Tazim bought the pub in 2016 the building has been converted into a carpet shop.

During the Magistrates' court case in March, Tazim was warned that the order was still in place, and he would still need to stop storing vehicles at the site, despite the fine.

In July Tazim submitted a retrospective application that, if approved, would legally allow him to keep storing cars at the site.

That application has now been refused.

Planning officers said: “In regards to planning, car parking and car storage are two separate and distinct uses.

“The overall appearance of the site through the unauthorised boundary treatments has formed an industrial appearance has detrimentally affected the character and appearance of the wider area.

“Due to the stark industrial appearance of this site which reflects the industrial nature of the storing of vehicles within the car park this change of use cannot be supported.”