TRAVELLERS have moved from the former Richard Dunn Sports Centre site. 

The Telegraph & Argus reported on October 15 that a number of caravans had moved on to the car park at the old sports centre. 

The person who reported this to the T&A claimed the Travellers had entered via the slip road from Manchester Road to Odsal Top.

A spokesperson for Bradford Council said at the time: "Our officers are dealing with the encampment in the usual way, with the start of the legal process to seek vacant possession of the site."

The Council also said it was investigating how the Travellers had gained access. 

The group moved on from the location today.  

Travellers have been seen moving on to the Richard Dunn site on multiple occasions over recent years since the closure of the sports centre.

The Grade II-listed building, named after the Bradford-born boxer who was famed for fighting Muhammad Ali, was due to be knocked down at the end of 2021.

A surprise decision by Historic England to list the building left the future of the site uncertain.

A number of people have raised concerns about the "eyesore" site and have called for something to be done about it.