AN MP has reacted to a spate of vandalism at a McDonald's and Starbucks in Keighley.

The windows at the fast food restaurant on Hard Ings Road and the coffee shop on Bingley Street were smashed on Tuesday night.

It is understood the attacks were part of a pro-Palestine protest, but the town's MP Robbie Moore (Conservatives) said those impacted - residents, employees, and customers - "have nothing to do with the situation in Gaza". 

He added that such action "will do nothing to solve the situation in the Middle East". 

West Yorkshire Police is yet to comment on both incidents.

Mr Moore said: "I am sickened by last night's acts of vandalism and intimidation which were carried out in our community.

"The smashing of windows at Keighley’s Starbucks and the vile attempts to intimidate staff and customers at Keighley McDonald’s were pathetic, cowardly, and disgraceful acts.

"Scaring and intimidating people, pick-axing windows, deliberately choosing to negatively impact local residents, employees, and customers - who have NOTHING to do with the situation in Gaza - will do nothing to solve the situation in the Middle East.

"These acts are completely counterproductive - and an insult to all calling for peace in the Middle East.

"We cannot let the situation abroad destabilise community relations here - and I absolutely condemn all who carry out any criminal acts or choose to use such threatening behaviour.

"The perpetrators must be dealt with with the full force of the law."

Whilst it is understood that McDonald's is still open today, this does not appear to be the case at Starbucks.

Mr Moore added: "I spoke with West Yorkshire Police late last night and again this morning.

"I have also written to our Mayor of West Yorkshire who is responsible for Police Strategy across Keighley and our wider area requesting an update on her strategy to deal with these increased attacks."

John Grogan, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for the town, added: "There can be no excuse for this mindless vandalism.

"I would hope the perpetrators will be brought swiftly before the courts to face their punishment.

"Democratic politics in Keighley is about debate and argument with no place for thuggery."