LOCAL bus companies say the planned franchising of local bus services is not needed – as they will be able to reform services themselves.

A public consultation is currently underway in West Yorkshire on whether bus services should be taken under public control – similar to what has recently happened in Manchester.

West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin has said change was needed to improve a bus service that had recently been plagued by cuts and delays.

The “preferred option” to achieve this improvement is a franchising – where West Yorkshire Combined Authority, not private companies, would have full control over services in the area.

But now bus companies have come together to launch a campaign called The Best For West Yorkshire. It would be an “enhanced partnership plus” – a set up that would see companies work closer with the Authority, but still have control over routes and services.

Names making up the partnership include First, Arriva, Transdev and CPT.

The partnership says they “are confident the plans meet the ambitions of the Mayor, Tracy Brabin.”

It would also remove the “burden and financial risk” to the Combined Authority.

They argue an independent auditor’s assessment of options for bus reform presented to the Combined Authority concluded that the “…Enhanced Partnership ‘Plus’ would according to the assessment be justifiable…in terms of delivering Value for Money…”  

Companies have worked closer with the Authority in recent years through an enhanced partnership – but despite this vital routes have still been cut, and services suffering from cancellations.

Enhanced Partnership Plus would see the network controlled through a Network Management Group, overseen by WYCA.

A release from the partnership said it will improve reliability, lead to greener buses and simpler ticketing.

It adds: “It would provide immediate improvements to bus services, whereas the Mayor’s preferred ‘franchising’ route would not come into operation until 2027 at the earliest.

"The operators’ option also ensures there is less financial risk to West Yorkshire’s public purse.” 

A spokesperson for the operators said: “We recognise there needs to be reform and firmly believe we can go faster to bring about change.”

A West Yorkshire Combined Authority spokesperson said: “Our bus reform consultation is ongoing. It considers the case for both further partnership working with existing bus companies and bus franchising, and will continue into the new year.

“We are keen to make sure West Yorkshire has the world-class bus service it deserves, and this consultation is the final stage before a decision is made on how to create a better-connected region.

“No decision has been made yet.”