LARGE-SCALE disturbances could deter people from shopping in Bradford city centre, businesses fear.

In the latest incident, a large gathering of people near Centenary Square turned into chaos on Tuesday evening.

One eyewitness reported seeing around 100 people on Market Street at the height of the incident.

Armed officers were deployed to the scene and a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of possession of a knife in a public place.

A further five people were arrested - three 16-year-old girls and two males, aged 17 and 18 - for a number of offences, including assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

As the incident unfolded, some elderly people took refuge at The In Plaice, with staff at the fish and chip restaurant locking the door to help calm their nerves.

Another shop keeper said he had never witnessed anything on that scale before. 

West Yorkshire Police has urged any witnesses to come forward as the investigation gets underway.

A spokesperson said officers were initially called at 4.25pm to reports of a group of males acting suspiciously on Market Street.

"On arrival officers found all in order," a police spokesperson said.

"A short while later it was reported that a knife had been seen as males were gathered to the rear of the magistrates court.

"Armed officers were deployed to the location and a male aged 16 years old was arrested on suspicion of possession of a knife in a public place.

"A knife was seized at the scene.

"A further five people were arrested - three 16-year-old females and a 17 and 18-year-old male for offences including assaulting an emergency worker and criminal damage.

"Enquiries are ongoing by Bradford CID. 

"Local neighbourhood patrols have been stepped up in the city centre."

Anyone who was in the city centre yesterday and who witnessed anything suspicious is asked to contact police via 101, or use the live chat facility at

People should quote log 1145 of September 26.

Information can always be given anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Mohammed Ali, who opened his vape shop Hotcrazes five years ago, said the large gathering moved from Centenary Square towards Market Street.

Speaking to the T&A, Mohammed said: “The police came down. They had to chase them around then people started running away.

“It was quite sudden. It did start off with a few groups of guys just arguing over the phone.”

Speaking about potential solutions, he said: “Prioritise the safety of the police officers.”

One worker at long-standing fish shop, The In Plaice, said the incident left many customers feeling uneasy.

Sheryn feared incidents like this would spark increases in insurance and other business costs in increasingly difficult times.

“People are not going to want to come to town,” the 24-year-old said. 

“We had a couple yesterday say to us they weren’t going to come into town anymore. There was one woman who usually comes in on a Tuesday and she turned round and said, ‘I won’t be going into town for a few month’. 

“If it wasn’t for the older generation there wouldn’t be a Bradford town. They built it up.

“If they [young people] just put their efforts into their education or into work there wouldn’t be half as much trouble. They just think, we’ll just doss in town. If you put your mind to it you can be earning a decent living with a decent life. 

“There’s no point running round town causing trouble for nothing. Yesterday [Tuesday] was just shocking. Yesterday was the first time I’ve actually seen it where stuff was being thrown at police officers, cars were being battered, punched at and stuff like that.

“The mindset’s all wrong."

Sharing her view on what would create change, she said: “They need to get more things for them to do, like centres and stuff where they can go in if they haven’t got anything to do that day. Like on Hollyoaks where they got that rec centre, games, music, karate - giving them something to do. Give them a reason to believe there’s another way of doing things.”