A 11-YEAR-OLD boy well-known for his long golden curly locks is loving his new look after having a sponsored hair cut at the weekend.

Harvey Munt, of Liversedge, who had blonde curly hair which went halfway down his back, did a sponsored hair cut for The Little Princess Trust at the Hightown Club pub on Halifax Road, Liversedge.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Harvey Munt before his sponsored hair cut.Harvey Munt before his sponsored hair cut. (Image: UGC)

His mum, Ann Bentley, said Harvey had it trimmed before but never had it properly cut in all his life.

"Everybody in the whole place was crying," said Harvey's mum, Ann Bentley. "Harvey absolutely loves his new look.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Harvey Munt getting a sponsored hair cut.Harvey Munt getting a sponsored hair cut. (Image: UGC)

"I like it now," said Ann, who admitted: "I think I was a bit shocked by it all first."

"All of the family were crying when they watched," said his auntie Caroline Bentley. "Harvey was emotional but he was fine when they styled his hair afterwards."

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Harvey's new look after his sponsored hair cut.Harvey's new look after his sponsored hair cut. (Image: UGC)

Caroline added: "He'd been growing it all his life, but he did this for people who have lost their hair because of cancer."

Harvey's hair will now be sent off to the Little Princess Trust and will be used for wigs by children suffering with cancer.

So far, the family has raised at least £1,250 for the charity.