TWO kittens will need to have their eyes removed after an "absolutely horrendous" suspected attack in Bradford

Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary has taken in Roman and Rolla, who are both around 10-weeks-old.

They were found in the Tile Street area of the city last Wednesday, September 13.

Katie Lloyd, who founded Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary, said: "It appears they may have been subject of yet another act of cruelty on Bradford's streets.

"While it's not impossible there could be other possible causes, a vet believes it is most likely that something has been poured or sprayed in each of their eyes.

"It's absolutely horrendous - the suffering they must have endured is immeasurable."

Katie said a vet confirmed both kittens will need to have their eyes removed in the next two weeks.

"We're now appealing for people to help cover the costs of the vet bills," she added.

"If you could donate just £1 towards their surgery, this would be a massive help.

"The easiest way to donate is via PayPal using as the recipient - please select the 'friends and family' option so we are not charged a fee."

The news comes after a special event was held at the weekend to celebrate a cat called Rosa who made a remarkable recovery after another horrific attack in Bradford.

For most of this year, Bradford Cat Watch Rescue and Sanctuary has been looking after Rosa, who was found abandoned on a doorstep in the city in February after being seriously injured by corrosive chemicals.

The 10-month-old underwent surgery to repair her eyelids and her wounds have healed - and she has now left the sanctuary after finding a loving new home.

Katie said Sunday's event to celebrate Rosa's recovery was "wonderful".

She added: "We'd like to thank everyone who attended and donated - a remarkable £10,000 was raised and this will contribute towards helping many other cats and kittens in need.

"Rosa is now with her new owners and she's very happy."

In August, the RSPCA said cat cruelty is on the rise locally

Last year, the number of feline incidents reported to the animal welfare charity reached four figures in West Yorkshire.

The 1,032 total was the highest across the whole of Yorkshire.

Beth Clements, the RSPCA's chief inspector for West Yorkshire, said: "It is heartbreaking that we are seeing such sad figures which show animal cruelty is, very sadly, on the rise."