A BRADFORD community kitchen which has been feeding the needy for over six years in the city has received the equivalent of an MBE in an award honoured by the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Bradford Community Kitchen and Foodbank was one of the last honours to be bestowed by Her Majesty in June 2022 before she died last September.

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service (QVAS) was due to be presented to Abdul Satar, one of the founders of Bradford Communbity Kitchen, last year but a variety of circumstances meant the presentation was postponed until Monday this week.

The award was handed over by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Ed Anderson, in the presence of several of the businesses and organisations which all pull together to help others.

Abdul, accompanied by his son, Muhammad Awais Daad, 15, who has been helping out at the community kitchen for three years, said he was thrilled to receive the award.

He said: "It was an honour to attend and receive the Queen’s award this evening on behalf of Bradford Community Kitchen foodbank. We have received this prestigious award for voluntary services in Bradford. A big thank you to Regal Food Products Group Plc for your continuous support.

"Thank you to Abdul G Malik from Pakistan Catering for the delicious food. A big thank you to The Maddison wedding hall for letting us hold our ceremony there. Thank you to all the guests that joined us."

Bradford Community Kitchen has been operating a seven-day-week food bank since the beginning of Covid. 

It was founded by Abdul Satar, Lesley Semmens and Anne-Marie Mitchell.

Abdul added: "We would also like to share this award with the people of Bradford especially the organisations who we work with: The Millside Centre, Hale project, Incommunities, Horton Housing and domestic violence charities like (Staying Put ) and (Doulas Bradford). For the people who have suffered domestic violence, please stay strong and stay positive. We are here to help you.

"The trustees would also like thank everyone for their love and support with Bradford Community Kitchen. And finally a big thank you to our partners this service would not be possible without your support."

The the official letter from the Cabinet Office last year read: "Her Majesty The Queen has approved the QAVS National Assessment Committee’s recommendation that the volunteers of Bradford Community Kitchen should receive The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) 2022. This represents a tremendous achievement and we hope that the group’s volunteers will feel immensely proud of it."