BRADFORD’S Trapezium Gallery is a city centre gem - and today it celebrates its fifth anniversary, with the launch of a new exhibition inspired by daily walks on Haworth moorland.

The opening of Land/Marks - by artist Bill Parker, who lives and works in Haworth - marks a full circle at Trapezium, located on Kirkgate in Bradford. Says Pauline Cooke at the gallery: “Bill is an old friend of Trapezium. We selected his work to be part of Water, Structure and Life - our very first exhibition in September 2018. It seems apt that he is returning to the gallery on our fifth anniversary with a full exhibition of his remarkable paintings.”

Bill moved to Yorkshire to teach at Keighley College, while gaining a Masters degree in Printmaking at Bradford College. Today he is primarily as a painter and, as an active studio holder with Keighley Creative, he exhibits regularly in community and commercial venues.

Bill’s paintings draw inspiration from the rich historical and cultural landscape of the region. Using a variety of techniques, strategies and mark making, his images are a very contemporary approach to landscape and abstract painting.

Says Bill: “These recent paintings, while diverse in outcomes, are the result of daily walks and experiences on the moors and hills above Haworth - famed as the countryside in Wuthering Heights. Made over a two-year period in all weathers and seasons, they are the result of a daily studio practice following each excursion.

“Using visual record, memory and transcription of scenes, the resulting paintings are a personal expression of the fleeting light and colours and the forever changing moods and atmospheres of the moorlands. The notes may change but the song remains the same...”

He adds: “This exhibition at Trapezium is a special opportunity to show my new paintings of the local landscape in a vibrant, accessible space in the heart of Bradford.”

The exhibition marks five years since Trapezium Arts began. Since 2018 the gallery, which is run by volunteers, has produced and hosted more than 40 exhibitions of work by local artists and groups.

“It all started with an impulsive idea to run an art gallery,” says Pauline, one of the founders. “Here we are five years on and still going strong, as enthusiastic and full of ideas as ever. We have a great team of people involved in running things and a great audience who visit regularly. We all want to present art in a welcoming, accessible way. We love Bradford and want to see its arts and culture thrive.”

Currently attracting more than 2,000 visitors a year, and with an exhibition waiting list of over 18 months, Trapezium plans to provide more exhibition space for local artists in the city centre, in the run up to Bradford’s year as UK City of Culture in 2025.

* Land/Marks is at Trapezium Gallery until September 30. Meet artist Bill Parker, and celebrate Trapezium’s birthday, at today’s launch from 12noon to 4pm. Visit