BRADFORD Council has answered a question on a cluster of fly-tipping and said they will be removing the waste.

A disused bath, toilet, and other units were spotted on Allerton Road after they had been dumped outside of a property's garden.

The Telegraph & Argus visited the road at lunchtime to see a certain message had been written in marker pen.

The question asked: 'Has anyone reported this?"

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: It had been dumped outside of a property's gardenIt had been dumped outside of a property's garden (Image: Newsquest)

When the T&A put this to the council, it was confirmed nobody had in fact, with a spokesperson saying they were unaware of the clutter.

The council added that once investigated, the fly-tipping would be removed.

A Bradford Council spokesperson said: “We were unaware of this fly-tipping, as it had not been reported to us.

"However, our Neighbourhood Service is investigating and the waste will be removed once investigations are completed.

"Incidents of fly-tipping can be reported via”