A TERRIFIED woman ran shoeless down the street pursued by the man who had brutally assaulted her, Bradford Crown Court heard.

Tyrone Moyo was locked up for 32 months for the attack in which he hit her, squeezed her throat, pulled out a clump of hair and threatened to kill her.

Moyo, 20, of Crag Road, Shipley, Bradford, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, making a threat to kill, assault by beating, damaging a police vehicle by smashing the windscreen, and resisting a constable in the execution of his duty.

Prosecutor Marte Alnaes said he was in a short relationship with the victim until he ‘brutally assaulted her.’ He had been out partying the night before and taking drugs when he attacked her at his flat on June 4.

He grabbed her to stop her leaving the flat and when she slapped his face to try to get away, he squeezed her throat causing swelling.

Moyo seized her by the hair, banged her head on the wall and dragged her upstairs. He bit her shoulder and arms and punched her in the face with a clenched fist.

Miss Alnaes said he threatened to kill her and she believed him.

She managed to escape and ran down the road shoeless with Moyo running after her. She sought help from a passer-by but when she got into his car, Moyo joined her in the vehicle. The man drove to Shipley Police Station with both of them on board and when he went inside, Moyo again assaulted the woman and then ran off.

She sustained a cut to her head, a burst lip, bruising to her arms and body, and a clump of her hair was pulled out.

Moyo refused to let the police into his flat and they had to break down the door.

He smashed the windscreen on a police vehicle and kicked out at a custody officer.

He had ten previous convictions for 23 offences, including three for battery, assaulting the police, robbery and damage. Moyo’s barrister, Sam Roxborough, conceded that there were simply no excuses for the attack but his remorse was genuine.

He had no previous convictions for domestic violence and this was his first appearance before the court as an adult.

Moyo was brought up in the care system and had never learned to handle his emotions properly. He turned to drug misuse as a coping mechanism.

He had spent time in custody on remand in HMP Doncaster.

Recorder Andrew Latimer said Moyo squeezed the woman’s throat, slapped her face and banged her head against the wall. He bit her, punched her to the head and tried to strangle her again.

He said: ‘I’m going to make sure you’re dead’ and she believed him.

She had bite marks, her lip was burst and a clump of hair pulled out.

Moyo was sentenced to a total of 32 months in a young offender institution. A ten-year restraining order protects the woman from him in the future.