New HGV restriction signs have been put in place at the junction of Wyke Lane and Bradford Road in Oakenshaw.

The move follows a campaign by residents and Kim Leadbeater, the MP for Batley and Spen.

Residents contacted Ms Leadbeater with their concerns about safety, air pollution and the suitability of narrow roads for large lorries. She met with residents and saw for herself the problems arising from HGV access to Wyke Lane.

The MP expressed these concerns to Kirklees Council and Highways England to get action on this issue. Over the summer HGV restrictions have been put in place and are now fully in operation.

Ms Leadbeater said this was a ‘great success for campaigners and residents who have worked hard to protect the character and integrity of the village of Oakenshaw.’

A member of her constituency office staff went to view the new HGV restriction measures last week, and found that they appeared to be working well with HGV drivers noting and abiding by the new controls.

The MP called the measure ‘essential for the safety of residents, and a responsible change to highways planning.’ She has now written to constituents along Wyke Lane and affected streets nearby, thanking those residents who campaigned on this issue alongside ward councillors, to say she is “delighted” that they have been successful.