This week's MP's column comes from Robbie Moore, Conservative MP for Keighley & Ilkley

Our brilliant local pubs are not only places to enjoy great food and drinks; they are vital community hubs which play a hugely important role bringing people together, tackling social isolation and supporting our local economy. 

From the famous Black Bull in Haworth, which can trace its history back to a 16th century coaching inn, to the original brewery in Ilkley founded in 1873, our area boasts a rich tapestry of pubs with unique stories. 

Since its establishment in 1858, Timothy Taylor's has also been a huge part of our community and their presence in Keighley has contributed to our town's pride and identity. 

And I was thrilled to see them receive recognition in Parliament back in May, when visitors to the Strangers’ Bar in the Houses of Parliament were able to order a pint of our very own Timothy Taylor’s Landlord on the taps.  

This recognition was a testament to the quality and tradition that our local breweries bring to the national stage.  

And the relationship between our pubs and local suppliers is a collaborative one, where the success of one contributes to the success of the other. When you raise a glass at a local pub, you're also raising a toast to the farmers, brewers, and artisans who make that drink possible. 

And so, as Keighley & Ilkley’s MP, I want to showcase and celebrate the invaluable role our pubs play in supporting our local economy, providing employment and sourcing products from our talented local producers.  

That’s why, for the first time, I’m launching Keighley & Ilkley’s Best Pub Awards - and I am inviting everyone across our area to nominate their favourite local establishment in Keighley, Ilkley, Silsden or the Worth Valley for the title of Keighley & Ilkley’s Best Pub. 

Voting is open now, so if you would like to nominate a local pub you love, do visit the link and follow the instructions:

The pub which receives the most nominations will be awarded the Best Pub Award 2023, with a further selection of pubs selected as area winners for Keighley, Ilkley, Silsden and the Worth Valley to acknowledge the wide variety of establishments across the area. 

Nominations will close on Friday 22nd September – so good luck to all and please do get involved!