The future of a civic building may be clearer by the autumn.

Brighouse Civic Hall, which hosted a range of events and organisations, is one of a number of buildings which was closed under Calderdale Council’s Future Council plan in order to make financial savings.

Coun Howard Blagbrough (Con, Brighouse) said he understood the council was still maintaining the building.

He asked if it was possible to update him on what was happening with it.

Coun Blagbrough said he understood it had complex issues.

The building is Grade II listed and two initial expressions of interest in taking on the building, by an educational establishment and a theatre group, were later withdrawn.

Asset management officer Stephen Hoyle said an options report about the building had now been completed.

This had been sent to the relevant service directors, including finance, for initial discussions of these.

He hoped by the end of August there might be a decision about options and he would be able to report further.

The Bradford Road building has a main Hall, stage area, a bar lounge area, toilets and is served by a modern lift.

It was refurbished in 2009, when the venue was completely overhauled.