A HOUSING development can be built in the former beer garden of a Thackley pub after the latest plans for the site were approved.

The Shoulder of Mutton on Leeds Road has already been converted into homes, with another new house recently built on the site.

The latest planning application for the site was for nine houses to be constructed on the former pub car park and beer garden.

The plans, by Gurjit Singh, went before Bradford Council’s Bradford Area Planning Panel on Wednesday, where the development was approved.

22 people had objected to the plans, raising concerns ranging from a loss of privacy to claims the homes would “bring nothing to the area". 

None of the objectors attended Wednesday’s meeting.

A report to members had said the Council was falling “significantly” below housing targets, and these nine homes would go a small way to improving house figures.

Planning officers said the development would lead to a loss of trees and shrubs on the site.

To offset this, the Council suggested the developer pay £3,550 to improve other areas of biodiversity in the ward, and each house will be required to contain bat and bird boxes.

The plans were then approved.