PLANS to flatten a coach house thought to date back to the 1840s to make way for housing have been refused.

The building sits behind the former Yorkshire Bank on Queensbury High Street, and a recent application to replace it with two homes described the property as “in a derelict and dangerous condition.”

The application by Chris Powell went before Bradford Council’s Bradford Area Planning Panel on Wednesday, when members voted to refuse the plans.

The bank is being converted into a restaurant, and the application called for the 19th century structure behind the bank to be replaced by two new build homes.

Planning officers disputed the claim that the building was unsafe, and said there was not enough justification in the plans to allow the loss of a building in a Conservation Area.

Some Councillors questioned the future of the building if left in its current state.

Planning officer Andrew Moxon said: “The duty of care is with the owner. The local authority has powers to intervene if the building is dangerous.”

He said the coach house was an important part of the village’s character.

Queensbury Councillor Alex Mitchell (Lab) spoke against the plans, saying they would add more residents and cars to an already busy area of Queensbury. He said: “It is already quite cramped in this area. Parking in the high street is already problematic for residents and visitors.”

Members unanimously voted to refuse the application.